Ishant Goel

Student at Rajdhani college, DU

Motion study and time study

The lecture discusses motion study and time study... The time study procedure and selection of job for the time study being considered, time study equipments like timing device, time study board, etc

Types of Customs duty

These are the types of customs duty like basic custom duty, countervailing duty, safeguard duty,anti dumping duty, etc. And there are import procedures and export procedures

Appendix of customs law

This is the appendix for customs law which is classified into different time periods.... And then there is table of valuation for import duty

Customs Law

This lecture includes the topic Customs duty, Indian customs water,Indian territorial water, Exclusive Economic Zone and Taxable events

Baggage provisions

Discussion of unaccompanied baggage, red and green channels, jewellery and transfer of residence and there is table for duty free clearance for passengers arriving from other countries

Production planning

These are the objectives and control measures of production planning... There are two categories of planning i.e. prior and active planning and in last, there is control phase of production planning

Debye T3 law

In this, Debye T3 law is discussed, einstein model of the density of states; then there are magnetic properties of matter And lurnor theorem

Self adjoint operators

These are the notes of self adjoint operators; it's definition, theorems and general properties and in last, there are some examples

Paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism

These are the notes of Paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism and in the last, there are ferromagnetic domains

Vibration of crystals

These are the notes of vibration of crystals with microatomic basis; primitive basis of two atoms and it's optical mode

Avalanche photodiode

This lecture is about one of the types of photodiode i.e avalanche photodiode; it's definition, construction, functionality, working and later on it's mereits, demerits and applications

Types of photodiodes

This lecture is about types of photodiodes and mainly discusses about p-i-n photodiode: it's working and energy-band diagram, demerits, applications and Characteristics