Chapter 8 Vital concepts

Chapter 8 history class 6th vital concepts, short notes with important questions and answers and concepts

Chapter- 7 Ashoka the emperor

Chapter 7 Ashoka the emperor class 6th. Short notes with important questions and all concepts

History chapter 3( In the earliest cities)

History chapter 3 class 6th. Important for multiple choice questions. Cover full chapter in short notes.

demand and supply

It contains demand , factors affecting demand and demand curve along with law of demand. It also contains what is supply, what factors affect supply and law of supply along with supply curve. It is important topic for macroeconomics student

Green GDP

Green GDP and it's importance and features in an economy in present times

Human development index

Human development index it's features and importance and India's rank

Public vs private sector

Comparison between public and private sector, benefits of both along with disadvantages

Real vs financial sector

Real vs financial sector of an economy Along with its advantages and disadvantage

Economic system

Economic systems, mixed economy, capitalist economy and socialist economy with their advantages and disadvantages

Exercise 1.2, Real numbers

Maths exercise 1.2 class 10th important sums with solutions and explanation. Irrational no proof

Exercise 1.4, Real numbers

Exercise 1.4 maths class 10th important sums with solutions and explanation, irrational no proof system

Exercise 2.3, Polynomials

Chapter 2 polynomials maths exercise 2.3 important sums with solutions and explanation