Knowledge in Assignment

E mathematics asssignment on fourier series part 1

Thsi is one of the set of assignment on problems based on fourier series.......

E mathematics asssignment on fourier series part 2

This is the second pdf of assignment on problems based on fourier series this will give you a perfect idea how to solve the problems based on fourier series.....

Unilever Individual Assignment

Unilever Individual Assignment


This pdf contain the question on BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING ASSIGNMENT questions . Also the solutions to questions are provided in the pdf . This assignment was given at DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY by ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT.


This pdf includes the assignment of BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING. Also the solution of assignment are provided in hand written form . This assignment is provided for first year at DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY by ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT.

SS UNIT-II L-1 Fourier Series -Introduction Working

This ppt prepared by well-experienced faculty in ece branch for a better understanding. The ppts are self explanatory with good number of examples.

Mathematics I Assignment Jan-May 2020

This pdf contains mathematics I assignment for January-may session of 2020.

computer programming Assignment of arrays,functions

Decision making and Branching: if-else, switch-case, Looping: While-do, for, do-while etc., nesting of loops. Introduction to Arrays, Structures, Pointers, Files , Functions, Recursion.

Vector Differentiation assignment and solutions

It consists of the Vector differentiation assignment along with detailed solution and is the most detailed description you can come across. Its a detailed description of all of the above and will help second year electronics and telecommunication engineering students in their curriculum. I hope everyone is comfortable with the notes and can ask or share their thoughts if they have doubts related to anything. These notes are made by me and one of the faculties of our prestigious college and will help score high in your exams.

Bessel Function- Assignment + Practice Questions +Solutions

It consists of the complete Bessel Function assignment along with detailed solutions and is the most detailed description you can come across. Its a detailed description of all of the above and will help second year electronics and telecommunication engineering students in their curriculum. I hope everyone is comfortable with the notes and can ask or share their thoughts if they have doubts related to anything. These notes are made by one of the faculties of our prestigious college and will help score high in your exams.

M1 assignment solution q10-q18

Department of Applied Mathematics & Computational Science ASSIGNMENT-II(B. Tech I YEAR , January-May 2020) MA-10001 MATHEMATICS-I (F-J)


THIS pdf contains a important assignment based on combustion numericals