Knowledge in Economics History

history honours

history honours

history notes- the sangam age

What is the Sangam Period? Sangam Age is the period from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD in south India. There were 3 Sangams conducted in ancient South India called Muchchangam, Tamil legends say. These Sangams prospered under the royal patronage of the Pandya kings of Madurai.

History Class 12th sample paper

This clip contains a sample paper of class 12th History subject which will help you revise the concepts and gain practice for board exams.

History Class 10th Ch 1

This clip contains short notes of class 10th history which will help you revise the concepts and give you better understanding of topic.

History Class 10th ch 2

This clip contains short notes of class 10th history which will help you revise the concepts and give you better understanding of topic.

History Class 10th ch 3

This clip contains short notes of class 10th history which will help you revise the concepts and give you better understanding of topic.

History Class 12th ch 4

This clip contains short notes of class 10th history which will help you revise the concepts and give you better understanding of topic.

History Class 10th ch 5

This clip contains short notes of class 10th history which will help you revise the concepts and give you better understanding of topic.


The French Revolution was a watershed event in world history that began in 1789 and ended in the late 1790s with the ascent of Napoleon Bonaparte. During this period, French citizens radically altered their political landscape, uprooting centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system.

History Class 12th

This clip contains ncert solutions of class 12th History with neat and legit answers. It will help you in revising ncert topic and also brush up on your concepts for exams and ncert topics.

History Class 12th

This clip contains ncert solutions of class 12th history with neat and legit answers. It will help you in revising ncert topic and also brush up on your concepts for exams and ncert topics.

History Class 12th

This clip contains ncert solutions of class 12th history with neat and legit answers. It will help you in revising ncert topic and also brush up on your concepts for exams and ncert topics.